Allen Lynch Medal of Honor Foundation: Swinging For Vets


Friday, August 23rd 2019 - White Deer Run Golf Club, Vernon Hills. IL

Book your foursome now for a spectacular day of golf to benefit the Allen J. Lynch Medal of Honor 5th annual "Swingin For The Vet's" Veterans Assistance Program. The program addresses emergency needs of those who have stepped up to serve our country and now find themselves in a jam. The Lynch Program is nimble and often able to address hardships within days of receiving the request. Your participation in this event will help Medal of Honor recipient Al Lynch give them the help they deserve from patriots who understand the true meaning of sacrifice and selfless service.



The Lynch Foundation joined with Operation Support Our Troops, OSOT, January 2015 and became a program of that organization. OSOT has earned 5 stars on Charity Navigator and has over 10 years of experience in fundraising and charity accounting. OSOT provides general support and insures donations and their use are properly accounted. 

The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization founded to create stop-gap measure funding to veterans and their families. The goal is to provide assistance in the recovery or education process allowing a veteran to move forward in their life.

The Foundation Board of Directors became Lynch Foundation Program Committee. Committee members are volunteers - no one is paid for their time or travel. Only office and normal business expenses are reimbursed to committee members.

The Lynch Foundation provides grants to veterans who are in need of financial assistance. In general, Veterans or their dependents will receive a one-time grant to assist in overcoming financial needs.  The Lynch Foundation provides a wide range of grant assistance; including but not limited to rent, temporary housing, medical expenses and auto payment. All funds are paid directly to creditors or service providers.  We do not pay grants directly to applicants. Though the grant is a one-time event we understand that on rare occasion there may be a need for a second grant. The first grant request requires a simple majority vote of committee members.  Subsequent grant requests require a positive vote of the full committee. 



Allen Lynch has spent his entire life serving his fellow veterans with the Federal Veterans Administration as well as the Illinois state government veterans department. He also served with the US Army Reserve and the Illinois National Guard until reaching mandatory retirement.

Allen served with Company D, 1st Battalion of the 12th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) from 31 May 1967 until 1 June 1968. He had been "in-country" for six months when the action took place that would result in his receiving the Medal of Honor. The recognition of his conspicuous gallantry and selfless service to others on that day would be the catalyst for a life of service to others.

Al Lynch has spent his entire life serving his fellow veterans with the Federal Veterans Administration, as well as the Illinois state government veterans department. He also served with the US Army Reserve and the Illinois National Guard until retiring in 1994.

He and his wife, Susan, have three children and are now blessed with 6 grandchildren.